Monday, November 20, 2006

John Cornhill

Mon 20 Picton excellent campsite near to harbour and town. Wa;ked a glorious section of the Queen Charlotte Track today from Torea Bay to Mistletoe Bay having been boated from Picton to the start and collected by another boat from finish. Tramper up high ridge 407m above sea level along and up and down looking out over Queen Charlotte sound one side and Kenepuru sound and Portage Bay on the other. The whole area is acalled The Marleborough Sounds - they look like fjords but are sounds which are river valleys drowned by the sea (fjords are drowned glacier valleys). On the jetty at Mistletoe Bay were an american couple waiting for theirr packs to be brought; they had been walking 3 days and camping in between their packs being delivered by boat to each overnoight stop. Everything and anything organised for the tourist here. a fantastic place to be, have taken photos but doubt they will convey the splendour of it all. found a cafe doing roast meal, excellent.
Today (is it Tuesday?) drove to Kaikura 2 and half hours lots of grass plains and hills then suddenly sea (pacific ocean) right next to road then snowtopped mountains on the other side wow. stopped to see a seal colony on rocks right next to the roadside. Even nicer campsite in Kaikura laid in the sun by the poolside all afternoon going whale spotting tomorrow! Lin thanks for your comment somebody anon has gone in and added their comment using my id but obviously doesnt know you are my cousin! more comments welcome including from anon Take care everybody John Cornhill


LinC said...

Hi John, glad all is going well. Strange about the odd blog from 'anon'. Don't they realise cousins don't marry!!!!! How did they manage to use your site to do that?! Very strange!!!
Chris was asking me the other day when you were returning home. I could not remember!!(By the way for 'anon' who might be reading this, Chris is my husband!!!)
Will you be coming home with a tan and looking fit and healthy? You'll make us all envious with us being all white and pastey looking!!
Well bye for now, looking forward to hearing more info.

John Cornhill said...

11/12 dec but not in torquay til w/e