Monday, September 17, 2012

17 Sept 2012 Lapu Lapu

17 Sept 2012 Lapu Lapu Monday today and two is two weeks already since I flew from Heathrow and this is my 200th blog since I started my travels in 2006. A 'family' morning, I am invited to join Grant, Violet, Charina, Jackson and Matthew on a shopping trip. The boys behave very well and are rewarded with an ice cream.
This afternoon I swim 600m, laze by the pool, read my book, go for a walk. I am very relaxed and happy here.
Belly pork for dinner. How does she do it. Delicious. We chat for a while, including with yet another friend/relation of Violets who is staying here, I think this place provides a welcoming home from home for many, then I have another early night and fall asleep reading my book. All the Best to everyone, John

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