Friday, March 29, 2013

28 March 2013 Chiang Mai Zoo

Chiang Mai Zoo is brilliant. As good as Paignton Zoo, maybe even better.

85 hectares in the foothills of Suthep Mountain, the zoo is set in a forest, with breathtaking scenery all around.

From the monorail, you can look down, (sometimes from a great height!), on animals from all over the world. Here we gaze down on a lion relaxing in the heat. P1070545

An open sided bus takes us all around the zoo, we can hop on and off, very helpful for getting to the enclosures higher up the mountain. I take a picture of giraffes from the bus. P1070489

Nearby is a HUGE Indian elephant with wrap-around tusks. P1070549

The aquarium is imaginatively laid out, sometimes in caves, then looking down on rays, then in long tunnels with sharks, huge fish and turtles swimming all around you. P1070495 P1070498P1070503 





Next, the star attraction, the Pandas. In large open settings, they look content. P1070506 P1070507 506 507 512 517





P1070512 P1070517






The white tigers are alert P1070520 P1070521

But the Bengal tiger is fast asleep P1070524.






The leopards are fighting over some meat some tourists offer them through the wire fence. P1070526  P1070528

The bird house is the size of The Albert Hall. P1070529

You can zip-wire over the lake, I didn’t. P1070533

The Llamas in the children’s section reminded me of trekking in Peru. P1070551

Hundreds of deer are enjoying the sunshine. P1070552





But it is too hot for the Indian rhino. P1070553

We visit the gibbons who live on natural ‘islands’ of trees and vegetation, the crocs in their mucky water, cuddly koalas, storks, emus, flamingos and the jaguar.

But no time for the penguins, snakes, hippos, tortoises and zebras. Oh dear, I’ll have to go back again another day.

Back in Chiang Mai town centre, I have a few drinks and a meal with friends and meet my bride. P1070487P1070482








Take care you all, John

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