Saturday, November 08, 2014

Six day trip to Laos - day 4

Six day trip to Laos - day 4

Coffee on the balcony this morning before going out for breakfast. Very relaxing.

A late breakfast is in yet another restaurant across the road. Interesting place, multi-level in a tropical garden.

Breakfast OK, including hash browns this time.

Now to the nearby Ratsavong Market, a single storey modern concrete structure filled with small shops selling everything except food. Won't be staying long here.

Next a pleasant walk down to and along the side of the Mekong River. A nice place to have a drink overlooking the river.

We learn that there is a traditional market, called Phousi Market, about 2 kilometres away. We decide to walk, and enjoy the experience as we pass Lao people going about their daily lives.

Phousi Market is busy and bustling. Covering a huge area, it is packed with stuff for sale, in stalls or just spread on sheets on the ground with every available space taken.

eels and frogs

dried lions poo and dried fish

Have to sit down for a while, find a lady making juice from squeezed oranges. Sitting at her tiny table behind a row of ladies sat on their mats selling all sorts of foodstuffs, I drink my juice and watch the local world go by. 

Half way walking back to the main town, we stop at the King's Park, an large attractive area with a bust of the last King in the middle.
The park is a very pleasant place to be. It is late afternoon and a large group is playing boules in one corner, children are kicking a ball around in an open area, joggers are pounding the paths, another small group is also playing boules. There is a sitting area overlooking the river. We relax here a while before the remaining walk into town.

Back in town, we find a long narrow passageway, roughly roofed and filled with food stalls, tables and  benches squeezed down the sides, with the minimum of walking space through the middle. Stalls specialise, selling noodle soup, rice meals, grilled meat, kebabs, nuts and spices, or arrays of bowls filled with salads and vegetables, it's all here.

We choose grilled fish, pork and chicken, with a big bowl of mixed vegetables. We have to wait for  the big man in the red apron to finish cooking the fish. He is non-stop grilling and selling chunks of meat and whole fish. Great atmosphere here, locals and tourists crammed in buying and eating food together. The fish especially is perfect, delicious; This is the first time I have eaten fish with chopsticks, it works surprisingly well. Great experience, eating here.

Another brief foray into the nearby night market, then the walk back to the Villa for a relaxing hot drink on the balcony before bed. An interesting day interacting with Lao people in their daily lives.
Goodnight all

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