Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Wed 31 Jan. 07
Spent all day in the Coral Boutique hosted by Cecelia. Very nice. Started 10am with a one-hour deep tissue massage by an Indian gentleman. He was thorough and must have had a go at just about every muscle in my body. Even did my feet but this was the worst because he made them tickle and I had to be very stowicle then he pulled every toe so that they clicked one at a time ouch but I was very brave. He must have used a gallon of oil on me so had a shower after (that nearly scalded me), one of those with water coming at me from all directions, gave me quite a surprise. Then did a bit in the gym, not too much, I don’t like to overdo it at my age. Then another shower with more nice surprises then a swim in the pool on the roof. This pool has been especially designed by architects to maximise the possibility of injury or drowning – underwater steps that you can’t see then a level bit then a sudden steep slope down that you also can’t see to about 2m. – little blue tiles all over the tank that make steps, slopes and edges invisible. Plonkers. Then laid (i.e.lying down) in the sun reading my book. Finished with yet another shower to get rid of the sun lotion. Back to the apartment 5.30. Fran came to visit in the evening. Then takeaway chinese and tele.. All very civilised. Bestest to All, John

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