Saturday, March 01, 2008

Vietnam and Thailand '08 day 13

Vietnam and Thailand '08 day 13
Another day out today, this time with guide Pon
First to Sankampaeng Hot Springs, a visitor centre way out in the countryside frequented mainly by the local population rather than tourists I think. Beautiful grounds to walk around with flower beds and trees. Boiling water (105 degrees c according to one notice exclamation mark) shooting and bubbling out of the ground and collected in a pond and a little river of hot water winding its way through the grounds. A pool that you can swim in, and little chalets that you can stay in. A lovely spot to visit.
Pon bought a basket of eggs at the ticket office. At the pond, she suspended them in the water for them to boil. Then we sat with our feet dangling in the river of hot water and ate the eggs with a little soy sauce sprinkled on top. Blissful.
Back on the road, we stopped at a roadside stall, where Pon bought some vegetables. They have become very expensive in the city apparently, possibly a by-product of tourism. They are very concerned about inflation over here.
Half way back, we parked up in a small town for lunch in a tiny restaurant in a small market area, again obviously used mainly by locals, for a very enjoyable Thai meal.
Then, in the same town, we spent 2 hours in an umbrella factory. Well, parasols really. This WAS for tourists, and was fascinating. Watched workers making the frames out of bamboo and the material out of a sticky solution made from the bark of a tree. Especially interesting watching a very skilled lady placing the material over the frame and sticking and trimming it. All of the patterns and pictures on the material are hand-painted by an army of painters, who also, for a small fee, will paint a picture on your equipment. I had an elephant painted and Pon had flowers painted on her mobile phone. I will show you when I get home.
Bought a mobile for Jo in the shop, bought a parasol for Pon.
A charming day, loved every minute.
This was my last full day in the north of Thailand. Whilst the friendliness is the same as everywhere else in this part of the world, the people and culture are subtly different. The north has a charm of its own, not to be missed and well worth the time spent here.
Happy days, take care everyone,

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