Friday, October 03, 2008

Peru, Bolivia, Brazil Fri 26 Sept - Fri 3 Oct 08

Peru, Bolivia, Brazil Fri 26 Sept - Fri 3 Oct 08

Having a very pleasant time in Porto Seguro. Everyone very friendly and helpful. Weather poor for first few days and got a bit bored but now sunny with a pleasant breeze so spending a lot of time in and around the hotel pool and I have found a great restaurant. Luis is the proprieter, he speaks quite good english (a rareity here) and he is a really nice guy, very helpful as are his wife and staff. Had a few meals there and more than a few beers. Great music too, I think Luis has found the Laura Nyro of Brazil, she sings solo with a guitar on Sunday evenings, really good. Other evenings there are DVDs on a big screen of Brazillian music and dancing, entrancing stuff. Met some interesting people in the restaurant, Nete and her sister-in-law to be Sandra and a bunch of their friends, and Kurt who is a property broker working this area.
Spent yesterday on the beach with Nete and Sandra, waiter service so had a few beers, very pleasant and relaxing day.
Yesterday evening Luis took me with a group of customers to Lambada, this is an entrance controlled room with dance floor + bar, mostly but not all young people having a great time, loud brazillian music and, wow, the dancing was wild, bodies flying around the dance floor whirling and spinning, technical stuff it looked to me. Great atmosphere. Bit late getting back to hotel!
I see Laura is about to hit you (UK), not too bad I hope, it looks as if you´ve already had some cool breezy weather according to CNN. CNN and a film channel the only english TV here. I have watched quite a lot of CNN due to the goings on in US, but oh it is horrendously repetitive, continually self promoting itself and special reports to come etc etc. The actual news consumes a tiny fraction of its time. Never mind, its better than no news.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in UK again,
Probably only one more report at end of hol.
Take care everyone, All the Best,

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