Sunday, May 31, 2009

CHINA Bangkok tour day5

CHINA Bangkok tour day5

Today we are going to another city, a very special place not far inland from Bangkok. We take a taxi, skytrain, and a minibus to get there.
Ayutthaya was the capital city of Siam. Founded in 1350 and located on an island created by 3 rivers, it was well positioned for defence against attack and at the same time, easily accessible for trading ships. Ayutthaya was a successful, booming capital city for over 400 years. Then in 1767 an army from Myanmar (briefly renamed Burma by the British) marched on the city, over-ran it and then sacked it, taking gold that had covered the Buddha images, and other decorations, before burning the whole city, palaces, temples, everything. It never recovered and Bangkok became the new capital.
Ayutthaya is now a bustling city functioning around the ruins of the old capital. Some of the ruined building complexes cover several acres, others are on smaller sites. We are driven around the city in a car that waits for us at each ruin we visit, about 10 in all. This place, as the capital of Siam with all its gold and splendour, must have been incredible. Even the ruins are awe inspiring.

Back in Bangkok for my last evening here, Mint piles us into a taxi which, after a short drive, turns into a derelict piece of land, negotiating a huge puddle of water at the entrance. In the far corner, maybe 100m from the entrance, there are a few cars and lights. A rave, I wonder. In fact, the far corner reveals the entrance to a huge barn-like restaurant. There is a live Thai rock band belting out incomprehensible Thai songs with much audience participation, a great atmosphere. We learn later that there are seven separate birthday parties here this evening. The whole place is rocking with the band, which obviously knows how to get an audience going. A great evening.

Now I have to bid a sad farewell to Mint before I fly to Phuket for a quiet few weeks of relaxation. Might do a few trips there, will report if I do. Otherwise, it's China on 15th. I plan to blog from there, but I have heard that they have heavy censorship of the Internet and blogs might be a target. We will see.

All the Best to everyone,

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