Sunday, December 06, 2009

South Africa evening Sat 5 Dec '09

South Africa evening Sat 5 Dec '09
We start into the Park at 5pm, a Dutch couple and myself plus the driver-guide, it is still light. Huge vultures perched at the top of a dead tree, the tallest bull Giraffe you could wish to see (right next to the road), Matabele Hissing Ants marching across the road, Emerald Spotted Doves singing their oh-so-sad song, Guinea Fowl, Baboons, Zebras and Impala. All this before we stop for a snack in an ancient village, now preserved to show us how people lived here.
Now we have torches as it gets dark. We are looking for eyes staring back at us out of the blackness. We see a single pair of eyes. It is a hare, long ears and frozen in the glare of the torch. We are not allowed to catch it for dinner. Then a lone Stonebuck, smaller than Impala, very dainty. Next a Spottedwhatsit Bird, can't remember the middle bit, but very pretty. Then a Nightjar. All spotted by seeing their eyes in the torchlight.
Now we see an eye in the water, a pool formed by a passing stream. It is a crocodile we are assured by the guide. Next an awesome sight in the night, a herd of about 50 Impala, their bright eyes toward us as they amble through the nearby bush. Then, the star of the night for me, a Genet watching us from the bottom of a tree. This animal looks like a domestic cat, spotted with a white tip to its tail. In fact it is of the mongoose family and would be entirely unsuitable in the living room. Then another Giraffe and finally more Zebras. A great experience to see all these animals at night.
All the best, John

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