Thursday, February 04, 2010

Rajasthan 15 January 2010

Rajasthan 15 January 2010
This blog actually starts on the evening of the 14th when we board the overnight train from Pushkar to Delhi.
There are 8 beds in each compartment, so it is very cosy. I am allocated a bottom bunk; shortly after this, an Indian gentleman sits on my bed and says it is his! Much consternation all round. We find Anmar who produces our ticket for my bed. The Indian gentleman then produces his ticket for the same bed! It is double booked. The beds are about 2 ft. wide so I decide not to sleep with the Indian gentleman. Anmar goes off to sort it out with the train authorities. There is also an Indian father and his 12? year old son in our compartment so we chat to them for a while, the boy is going to sit an exam in Delhi the next day.
Anmar returns to explain that Intrepid (our tour organisation) had booked the beds from an earlier station, and because they were unoccupied from that station, they became available for sale again! Welcome to India. We are fortunate that only one had been re-sold. Mine!. Anmar kindly gives me his bunk (in the same compartment) and goes off to find somewhere else to sleep. So now I am in a middle bunk, the Indian gentleman underneath me and Kylie above.
We debate which is the best way to lay down. If your head is next to the side of the train, it is shaking and feels as if you are lying on a vibrator. If your head is next to the aisle, it is slightly lower than your feet which is strangely disorientating. I opt for the latter position after trying both ways.
Then I sleep. I am fortunate in being able to sleep anywhere anytime. (This has resulted in some inappropriate slumbertimes in the past - a pub jazz evening with Jill in Teignmouth many years ago sticks in my memory, plus various car journeys as a passenger and most of the offices I have worked in.)(including CPS, sorry John)
We arrive in Delhi and transfer to the hotel we started from 15 days ago, Hotel sky Rich, where we have 2 day rooms. I go shopping with Sarah-Jane and Kylie, they help me to pick out some nice tops for the girls. Then back to the hotel where the tour ends and we say our cherios and depart at various times.
Within 24 hours, the group will be spread out all over the world. It is a strange feeling to live so closely with a group of people for 2 weeks, then suddenly we fly off in all directions. I have all of their email addresses and hope at least some of us keep in touch.
All the Best til the next trip,

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