Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Namibia tour day 6

Up at 4.50am!!!! Breakfast, pack, then a four and half hour drive, mostly through desert, to the coast.

More breathtaking scenery.


I am particularly pleased with this picture of a dead tree.


There are Desert Elephants here. George tell us they smaller that the ‘Bush’ Elephants. We gaze through the open bus windows, mile after mile, but nobody sees one. But when we stop for a break, we are lucky, we see the next best thing, desert elephant poo. Here it is.


The desert is forbidding.



We are relieved to see the sea, but decide not to go sun-bathing on the beach. There is no room. It is covered in seals. 200,000 of them. Somebody called this place ‘Cape Cross Seal Resort’, the seals heard about it so now they all come here for their holidays, like it so much they stay forever.


An incredible sight and an even more incredible smell.





We drive on and arrive at Swakopmund, a large holiday town by the sea, the Torquay of Namibia, it even has a pier. In an excellent German restaurant, I enjoy a very large pastry with chocolate at both ends and a coffee.


Next we move into our ROOMS at the Amanpuri Travellers’ Lodge. Two nights here in a BED. Luxury.

The afternoon is free, we wander around the town. Very clean streets, freshly painted and well maintained buildings, this is a very nice place, I can understand why so many Namibians come here for their holidays. The other attraction of course is the cool sea breezes, a relief from the sometimes oppressive heat of Windhoek and other inland towns.

Dinner is in an African restaurant on the end of the pier. The pier is not boarded for the full width, we have to negotiate a narrow path over the raging Atlantic Ocean far below. An interesting experience, not particularly appreciated by Yumi.

The food is excellent, I have Springbok, medium, tender and perfectly cooked, with red cabbage very nice and chipped sweet potatoes horrible. The waiter takes a group photo.


After the meal and another death defying walk back down the pier, George takes us to a night-club. Another group photo


Then pool


I win (just) against Ruben. Good game. Now we are ready to sleep in our BEDS. I have been sleeping fine in the tents, but a real bed is still welcome. Goodnight.

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