Friday, May 16, 2014

Namibia tour day 8

After a second night in Amanpuri Lodge in Swakopmund, I am up at 6.15 so as not to risk missing breakfast before packing and an early start.

We take the coast road to Walvis Bay and stop on the sea-front. Flamingos, Oyster Catchers, Gulls a lone Pelican and a pier.  Nice place.



Then we drive drive drive, desert, desert, desert.


A flowering shrub. How does it survive here?


And a 300 year old Aloe tree with yellow flowers.



We drive on, up mountain passes, down to dried river beds, incredible scenery on a vast scale.


I see an Eagle Owl, huge, roosting in a lone tree by the roadside. It is in the shadow of the tree but with the golden sand of the desert in the background. A striking image, now I wish I had stopped the bus to take a photo.

Then more flat desert, and a family of Ostriches.


Now we stop at the Tropic of Capricorn for a group photo. It is HOT here. I am wearing my Hanoi t-shirt, I hope you like it.


A stop for lunch at Sossusvlei, salad and avocado. A desert squirrel wants to share our lunch but we eat it all ourselves and anyway we do not feed wild animals!


Another long drive to arrive at our campsite in Sossus at 4pm. We have some time to relax before dinner, pork chops and mashed maize meal. Perfect, Ruben’s cooking is amazing.

The seven of us are now a well established group of friends, even calling ourselves ‘the family’! This is the best group I have travelled with, all different people just enjoying a great trip.

More relaxing and chatting, then back into our tents for bed. Early start tomorrow!


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