Tuesday, October 03, 2006

John Cornhill

Hello all. Haven't been able to get into this blog til today, my last day in Perth. Had a wonderful week with Anita and Tim plus Rebecca, Emily, Nathan and Clarissa plus Jedda the dog. Visited Kalamaunda, Fremantle and Perth Centre, cycled for 2 hours on a trail thru the bush and done lots of relaxing and reading in the garden. The bungalow is in the hills behind Perth and it's like sitting in the middle of a zooological garden with all the different birds and their songs. Met a few neighbours and friends, all very hospitable and friendly. In Fremantle visited wrecks exhibition and the Maritime Museum and local market and had squid and chips on the quayside. Perth has a brilliant museum plus Kings Park which was full of different trees and shrus and parrotty type birds. The Swan river through Perth and Fremantle is spectacular. Got some photos and will try to find out how to put them on the blog later. Flying to Cairns tomorrow. Keep in touch, John Cornhill

1 comment:

LinC said...

Hi John,glad you are enjoying yourself,sounds good to me!! Saw Jo and Wayne last w/e and offered them the use of our pc if they wanted. They send their love.Keep the info coming. Happy hols.
Lin (cousin!!)