Monday, January 11, 2010

Rajasthan 6 january 2010

Rajasthan 6 January 2010
'Free' day in Jaipur so 3 of us visit the Albert Hall Museum so named following a visit to Jaipur by our own Prince Albert. Most of the other visitors are local families, and we all gaze in awe at stone sculptures from 4th century onwards, pottery, arms and armour, carpets, clay figures, jewelry, musical instruments and garments. There are also hundreds of miniature paintings depicting stories of the Gods. One is of 'Lovers' inconsolable separation being eased by application of sandalwood paste, sprinkling of water and waving of fan'. (the paste looks like peanut butter). Another is 'Water sports as a facet of amorous love'(this appears to be a man and a woman wrestling under-water).
Also in the museum is a 1st century mummy. Some of the cloth has fallen off her shroud and you can see her toes.
Next we have a guided tour around the 300 year old Jantar Mantar Observatory. Various structures tell the time, date, positions of the planets and stars, longest and shortest days, angle of the sun and astrological signs. Fascinating stuff.
Outside of the Observatory, we find a tiny shop selling t-shirts. I buy some for the children.
We meet the rest of the group at the famous LMB Restaurant. I try Lassi for the first time. It is a yogurt based drink which is delicious. I also enjoy a very Indian veggie dish in cashew gravy with buttery nan bread.
In the afternoon I do some more shopping; the shopkeepers and street traders are very persistent sellers here and you are continually fending people off as you walk through the bazaars. If you make eye contact or stop to look at something, they are on to you. You have to be very firm, and bargain hard if you are interested in something. I buy some great Indian shirts for Leon, Harry and Ruby.
That's it for today, All the Best, John

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