Sunday, October 14, 2012

Myanmar day 2 dinner

Myanmar day 2 dinner After blogging, I go to the top floor restauant. It is in semi-darkness, no diners, they are clearing up. 'Are you closing?' 'No sir' and I am directed to the open air roof area, also dark and devoid of diners. 'Are you closing?' 'No sir, please sit here' I sit as told and order a glass of red wine and chefs special rice with mixed meats (leftovers?)from one of the four waiters attending to my every need. Then I am treated to my very own puppet show, a lovely lady making dancers, horses and clowns jerk about to piped Burmese music and singing. Loved it, clapped alone at the end of each performance, rewarded with a beaming smile from the lovely lady. Good food, OK wine, wonderful entertainment. A great end to the day. Good night all, John

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