Friday, May 09, 2014

Namibia tour day 2

Up at 5.50am ugh. Compensation is an excellent cooked breakfast plus cereal and coffee. We drive 300k to the Etosha National Park. It covers a huge area, one of the largest Parks in Africa. There is an Amarula tree at the entrance (Amarula cream liqueur is good stuff).

On the way to Namutoni Camp, where we are going to stay in the Park, we see 2 giraffes
and a tortoise.
 At our camp site after erecting and settling into our tents, we have pasta, cheese grated by Yumi and salad for a very welcome and healthy lunch.
3.30pm we start our safari. First we see a group of Impala - nervous and graceful at the same time, they move away from us.
Then at a water-hole, zebras and more giraffe. And a koala bear in the water.
Moving on, a bustard flies past us, and a lilac crested roller bird sits in a bush.
Now we see elephants in the distance, two big ones and a baby.
Can you see them? Next a wildebeest glares at us as we stop very near him to take photos.
Springboks graze nearby.
Next another water-hole packed with flamingos.
Driving on there are more giraffes then a jackal eyes us uncertainly as we stop next to him. Then a small herd of elephants, closer than the first lot. They cross the road in front of us, including a baby and an adult with six legs.

The sun is getting low. But now we see a rhino. George tells us it is a black rhino. I have never seen a rhino in the wild. It is grazing contentedly. It is BIG. An awesome sight.
We watch him for a long time as the sun sets.
We are returning to our camp for dinner. It's getting dimpsy. We are all hungry. Here is a spotted hyena.
Interesting but the light is fading, lets get back for dinner! Off we go again but now WOW, lions!

Elephants, rhino and lions all in one drive. We have been very lucky. A wonderful, great day. Now we want DINNER. It is chicken, vegetables in a sauce and rice. Scrumptious. No pudding again though. They don't do puddings. I'll have to give up on that one, George doesn't want me to ask again. Now I want to sleep. Goodnight.

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