Saturday, November 14, 2009

South Africa Thurs 12 Nov '09

South Africa Thurs 12 Nov '09
Busy day today, travelling to various places through this beautiful and breathtaking landscape.
First to Cango Caves, huge caverns millions of years old with limestone formations created by millennia of dripping water. The guide sings African chants in the caves -eerie.
Then the Cango Ostrich Farm, meet Bella who is near the entrance - the only friendly ostrich in South Africa (normally they are aggressive and unsociable but Bella is.....well, Bella)
Next we are taken through the farm and see lots of ostriches. Then to the riding paddock.
So who wants to ride an ostrich they ask. I will say I. Big mistake. They pick the wildest one in the paddock and put a hood over its head which gratifyingly calms it down. No saddle, just a cloth over its back, I have to climb up onto it, cross my legs under its chest and hold on to its wings. So far so good but then they take its hood off and let it go. It charged off like a demented lunatic, with me on its back, running at a hell of a speed, twisting and turning, I nearly brought up the bacon, eggs and saute potatoes I had for breakfast. I hung on quite well for a while, then started to slide to one side a bit until slowly but gracefully, I fell off. I was the only one in the group daft enough to ride one of these things (although Mike the driver did too) so got a round of applause as I picked myself up and dusted myself off.
Next a picnic lunch by a spectacular 100ft. waterfall at Meirings Poort. Swam in the 9m deep pool - it was a bit fresh.
Then to Cango Wildlife Park - crocodiles, meercats, turtles, storks, otter, wart hogs, vultures and stuff, but mainly big cats. White lions, Bengal tigers, white tigers and their main conservation subjects, cheetahs. Gorgeous animals, I get to hug one, a young adult, and have photos taken by the keeper. It growled at me (the cheetah) but then started purring. A great experience.
Lastly - the evening meal was Potjie, pronounced poykey. A big pot is filled, meat (lamb) at the bottom, then potatoes then veg, it is never stirred - it was a super meal and we could go back for seconds.
Another great day, All the best, John

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