Tuesday, September 18, 2012

18 Sept 2012 Lapu Lapu

18 Sept 2012 Lapu Lapu Tuesday morning I am swimming 700m, lying by the pool and reading my book. This afternoon I am walking down the road I described earlier. It is Pajac Abuno, a long minor road on Mactan Island. It is rutted from being dug up for a pipe and never resurfaced, it is lined by tiny shack-like shops and dwellings, and it is famous world over.
What can this road be famous all over the world for manufacturing? Here is a clue, the middle photo is of one of their clients shaking hands with the owner of the biggest factory here, Alegre. I have a tour of the factory and watch these incredibly skilled guys working with local woods to make the beautiful end products they are famous for. There are five factories and about 20 specialist shops on this beaten up road.
This is Apl.De.Ap, Black Eyed Peas and he is buying a guitar. The Alegre factory showrooms and the nearby small shops and other factories are filled with shiny guitars, ukuleles, banjos and mandolins, all individually handmade, various sizes and qualities and prices. I was impressed, so this must be heaven for musicians. Alison T, I hope you can visit here one day.
The guitar-making industry in Lapu-Lapu City started when the Spanish friars assigned in Cebu needed to repair the guitars they were using. Instead of waiting for the guitars to arrive from Mexico, they commissioned the townspeople of Opon village in Mactan Island to make new guitars and repair the existing guitars they had; thus began the guitar industry in Cebu. Typical woods used for Cebu-made guitars are soft and hard woods like jackfruit, narra, black wood ebony, and imported woods. Some guitars have simple designs while others have decorations of intricate designs or inlaid with shell crafts. The guitars made in Lapu-Lapu are all hand-made and people who want personalized guitars can order them custom-made according to their own design requirements.
This evening, after a couple of beers and a game of pool at Bellas, I have a perfectly cooked Blue Marlin steak with mixed vegetables and rice, while some of the girls play a chaotic game of cards. Now I am going to bed because I have to be up for a 5am breakfast and 5.30 departure for a day trip. All the Best, John

1 comment:

thejollypilgrim said...

Good picture, good work! Pete