Wednesday, September 19, 2012

19 Sept 2012 Lapu Lapu

19 Sept 2012 Lapu Lapu Wednesday, up at 4.15am for 5 0'clock breakfast, 5.30 taxi and 7am ferry to Bohol Island. But the taxi is half hour late and at the docks we drive from gate to gate and pier to pier and cannot find the ticket office. The three of us decide to buy tickets for a Friday 6am sailing in an office that we do find, then we return to Green Gate. OK sometimes plans go awry. Back at Green Gate I have another breakfast, an 800 swim and a sleep by the pool. And I read my book. I like this Guest House very much, everyone is very kind and helpful with drinks on call and excellent meals. I have experienced this level of service before so I don't know what it is that makes it so particularly pleasant and relaxing here. Below is a photo taken by Grant of Violet and their staff.
This afternoon in a local department store, Violet and Maricel choose two dresses for Grace and Grant helps me pick out some clothes for Leon and Harry. Violet has two boys and Maricel only has piglets to look after so I thought they might enjoy helping me buy dresses. I reward us all with drinks in a restaurant called Booobs. I have mango juice, I love it. Back at Green Gate, it is Chicken Cordon Bleu with mixed salad and rice for dinner. Perfect. Here is a pic showing Violet and some of the staff playing with Matthew, and Jackson in the background at the table where I eat my meals. It is delightful to sit here, in what is effectively the living area for the family and staff.
And here I am in the same family area with Grant, Violet, Jackson and Matthew
Best wishes to all of you and your families, John

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