Sunday, September 23, 2012

23 Sept 2012 Lapu Lapu

Sunday today is my last full day here. I fly tomorrow at 12.50 so have to leave Green Gate at 9.45, Grant will drive me to the nearby airport. This morning I swim 1100m and read the book they have lent me here. I only have 24 hours to finish it. Lunchtime Grant takes five of us to ????????????? Hotel, a very upmarket establishment where we all order beef burgers! Grant is right, they are very tasty. We take a look at the pool area, very smart.
Joey has been visiting for a few days now, he has flown here especially to put a tattoo on Grants back. Joey is an artist in great demand, he free-hand draws his pictures on various parts of peoples bodies. Using specialised equipment, he then applies the inks. Grants tattoo is taking 12 hours. Anyone who would like to travel out here for one of Joeys tattoos, please let me know and I will put you in touch. Here is a pic of Grants back part way through. The new tattoo is the black Samurai Warier astride his horse. Joey is in the background.
I walk 45 minutes to the mall to buy these amazing cupcakes, chocolate ones that melt in your mouth, they are sold out! So, empty-handed, I get a tricycle back to Green Gate, a very bumpy ride but chat with the driver, at least 70, about our respective families. These roads are teeming with local people going about their daily lives in this sadly run-down area.
This evening I am invited to join Violet, Maricel, ChaCha, May and Lorna at the disco across the field. (Joey is still working on Grant). We dance for two hours along with about 200 locals, all having a good time. A great evening, thanks girls.
1am now as I finish this blog, next I have to pack! Goodnight all, John

1 comment:

Revina said...

Flying home? If so, would love to meet up soon (with Anne?). Have loved reading the blog and seeing all the photos! Revina x