Thursday, September 13, 2012

13 Sept 2012 Lapu Lapu

13 Sept 2012 Lapu Lapu So here I am in Lapu Lapu, Cebu, Philippines. The Green Gate B&B is an old house full of character, high ceilings, first floor balcony overlooking the sitting room, magnificent staircase, hardwood trimmings everywhere, a hotel straight out of a classic Poirot setting for upper class mystery. Tomorrow I will look for the aspidistra. The outside is patios, palm trees, tropical flowering trees and bushes, all slightly running wild. The swimming pool is another one of those curvy shapes with no lines on the bottom, but I can swim in it so am very grateful for that. The water is very clean. I did 20 wiggly lengths X 10m today and fully intend to increase that every day. We'll see. Anne Ellis please note. Curiously my bathroom has a shelved cupboard filled with valuable looking colourful ceramic pots and things including a large white duck. I am not touching anything in case it cwacks. From my bedroom window I can see a lake on the land next door. Now I see it's wasteland where a recent shower has left a pond for shoeless children to paddle and play in. This afternoon I walk up and down the road to stretch my legs and have a look around. There are many small general stores, mobile phone shops, fresh fruit displays, an electronics centre, and my favourite - 'The Lovlie Store' selling sweets. All small shack-like structures with corrugated tin roofs mostly in dilapidated condition. Behind are hundreds/thousands of dwellings in similar or worse state. They are, like the road, falling to bits. Green Gate is an oasis in a sea of urban poverty. There are other oases. A development of smart new villas in a gated compound. A small business park also recently built and security protected. And Wombats Womb Cafe. But these are incongruous and isolated. Along this one long disintegrating road that leads to the harbour, there is a large community of people struggling to provide the next meal. But they are happy, today at least. There is a festival, centered on a church near the harbour, and everyone, especially the children, is excited. I am wearing my white polo shirt with red, green, yellow, blue and black stripes, my 'combat' shorts and Chesham Prep. Reception Class white sun-hat, and hope I don't look too much like a tourist. But I think they know. I get lots of smiles and hellos and 'how are you's as I pass by, a lone European in a throng of Asian people. Yes I have to be careful as always, but these people I saw today made me feel humble. Take care everyone, and reflect on your worries compared to theirs'. John

1 comment:

Central User said...

Good to read about your latest travels. Loving the phrase "I am not touching anything in case it cwacks".

Have you put this latest tour together yourself?

I hope you are well.