Wednesday, March 13, 2013

13 March 2013 Varkala, India

Many people, Indian and foreign, come to Varkala for Ayurveda treatments and to attend yoga retreats. Ayurvedic courses include various types of massage, dietry regimes, stretches, exercise and other stuff. I have not partaken myself, despite the many treatment centres offering their services.P1070212

This one is not far from my Chalet. They take it very seriously, linking the benefits to their Hindu religion and even having treatment centres in temples. I meet and chat with one lady who has health issues and is part way through a very expensive course of treatment. Her diet was very restrictive, despite her not needing to lose weight. It’s all about cleansing the body, so lots of foods banned. Certainly not for me.

Not much wildlife here, but today I meet a mongoose. Sadly it didn’t stop for me to get a photograph. My regular waiter by the sea tells me there are lots of them here.

I also meet a quite large lizard, but he doesn’t look very friendly.P1070197

I see a white egret, a beautiful, dainty bird, standing in a stagnant pool, hunting for its lunch.P1070190

It flies off just before my camera clicks.

The wet part of the beach has lots of holes. Crabs scurry into them as they feel you approach. I manage to get a picture of one, but it is well camouflaged against the sand.P1070207

Top right hand corner.

Lots of crows and feral dogs that yowl at night.

Tonight’s meal by the sea is Vegetable Mughlai. Carrots, cauliflower florets, beans and I don’t know what, cooked in a thick Indian creamy cashew nut sauce. I thoroughly enjoy it, I love these Indian sauces. With naan or roti bread and a cold drink, I am in heaven.

Good night all, John

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