Wednesday, March 20, 2013

17 March 2013 Munnar, India

The early morning trek from the hotel is a vigorous walk down and back up the steep slopes of the adjacent tea estate. The vista is mountains, woodlands, tea plantations and tourists being silly. P1070406 P1070411






We still have time, before breakfast, to wander through the nearby village. The people here are incredibly welcoming, with children and adults alike pleased to see us.P1070423   






Breakfast is on the hotel balcony with our German friendsP1070435 

Then to the tea factory. We are shown the rolling, drying and chopping of the leaves P1070436 P1070437 P1070440 ………….and the shop. I buy some green tea for my children. Apparently, it will help to keep them healthy. I hope so.

Here are the instructions for making a proper cuppa. P1070441

In the centre of Munnar town, I find the indoor market and buy some nice little things for Ruby, Amber and Grace. P1070463

Back on the road, we pass a Christian procession. Lots of happy smiles and singing. Hinduism, Islam and Christianity appear to live comfortably side by side in this part of India. In one town we pass through, the temple, mosque and church are within close sight of each other. It reminds me of Pi, and his father’s incredulity at Pi’s insistence that he belonged to all three callings. The deeply religious Pi couldn’t understand why he should not. The section of the book where Pi is confronted by his three respective teachers is hilarious. (Sadly, this classic exchange is not included in the film.)

Next, we visit Madupetty Dam. Very scenic. The low water level, a result of much reduced rainfall recently, is causing concern. June and the rainy season are still 10 weeks away. P1070459

Now we are on the way back to Kochi, and our driver/guide suddenly pulls over to the side of the road. He has spotted another procession, this time Hindu. Three ginormous Indian elephants (see p.s.), decked out in all their regalia and accompanied by a small but raucous crowd, are parading to induce rain. They even have their umbrellas up in case the gods respond precipitously. P1070464 P1070465





Again the people are delighted to see us, the children love to see their photos. P1070466 P1070467

Lastly, near Kochi, we stop for the sunset P1070473





And I have my picture taken with Sophie and Katie P1070476

Late back to Jasmin’s, I join the other four guests, all French and patiently waiting for me, for another amazing Jasmin Indian dinner.

That evening there is a storm, Jasmin’s internet goes down, and I cannot publish yesterdays blog. So I get my head down and sleep like a log. Good-night all, John

p.s. yes, ginormous is a proper word, even though blogspot has put a red line under it!

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