Wednesday, March 20, 2013

16 March 2013 Excursion to Munnar

Collected 6.30 by car already containing Katie and Sophie for 2 day trip to Munnar in the mountains. First stop on the way is to say good morning to a big black cow. P1070326  Next we are by a river to watch ‘elephant washing’. Three very unhappy looking young Indian elephants are being cajoled into kneeling then lying in the shallow water. Hind legs chained together, they are shouted at and beaten with sticks, but one in particular doesn’t want to lie down. I leave when one of the handlers loses his rag and starts hitting hard and fast. P1070329 

On further stops, our excellent driver/guide shows us pineapple plants, P1070332  rubber trees, P1070336 P1070335  





Chocolate trees

 P1070350 P1070354 (= Cocoa) (above and below)





a jackfruit tree (below)

 P1070357 and cashew nut trees (below) P1070351  P1070353 (the cashew nut is the top bit)

Then beautiful views from Neriyamangalam Bridge P1070341






This spectacular waterfall next on our list was a little disappointing due to the total absence of any water.P1070348 

The spice farm next is very well laid out, we are guided through by a lady who explained, in excellent English, the healing benefits of dozens of trees, bushes and plants. Here is  a nutmeg tree. P1070356 Nutmeg helps you to sleep, but taking too much can be a bit dodgy, she tells us.

Randomly, we learn that the bark of the bay-leaf tree provides cinnamon.

Next an elephant ride P1070362  followed by elephant posing P1070365  and an elephant blessing P1070381

Munnar is high up in the foot-hills of a picturesque mountain range, 2000+ metres above sea level. Tea plantations cover vast areas of the hill-sides, intermingled with natural woodland where it is too steep to plant tea bushes. P1070401








The landscapes are stunning here P1070394

Our hotel is ‘The Misty Green View’. P1070393 This is it, the little one with the green roof. Here is the view from the balcony where I am typing this blog alongside Katie and Sophie who are writing postcards.


No internet or wifi here, so plan to publish when I get back to Jasmin’s tomorrow evening.

Dinner with sociable bunch of Germans, lots of good chat, Indian food OK. Early night with early start trek tomorrow.

BFN, John

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