Saturday, March 09, 2013

9 March 2013 I hear the sea

My final breakfast with Jasmin (until the next time) then a last minute search online to find somewhere to stay in Varkala.

At the train station, I am intrigued to see hundreds of people leap off the platform in front of my very long train as it slows down. Not mass suicide, just the locals getting ready to climb aboard from the trackside, before the train stops, to get the best seats.P1070147

The 4 hour 176K train journey is enjoyable as we sweep southward through the Kerala countryside. Ticket cost 75p. The train is packed with mostly Indians, and orderly, with the usual numerous sellers of coffee, chi and various hot foods plying their trade up and down the central aisle. I chat with the Indian guy sat next to me, but his accented English is worse than mine.

Arrive Varkala 5.55pm, met by Woodhouse Beach Resort manager at 6, in my room at 6.10.

It is a shed by the sea.They call it a cottage, we would say chalet. I love it. Clean with it’s own shower room and big comfortable bed, it is 10 metres from the sea.P1070155 The nearby outside restaurant is 0 metres from the sea. It is perched on a pile of rocks, sea defences, and over-looked by tall swaying palm trees that lean precariously toward and over the sea. Coconuts could fall in your soup here.P1070149

After eating accompanied by crashing waves, I take a long walk along the cliff-top coastal path. Restaurants and shops on the left, sheer drop to the sea and beach on the right.

As I settle down for my first night’s sleep, I can hear the sea.

Goodnight all.

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