Thursday, March 14, 2013

14 March 2013 Kerala on the train

Tuk tuk to Varkala train station, train to Kochi, Stanley’s driver meets and takes me back to Jasmin’s, all hunky dory and on time.

In the afternoon I walk into Fort Kochi. This time I have a proper look at The Santa Cruz Cathedral Basilica. Originally built by the Portuguese, it was elevated to a Cathedral by Pope Paul IV in 1558. Demolished by the British, it was rebuilt 1887 – 1905 and proclaimed a Basilica by Pope John Paul II in 1984. It is an imposing building, and beautiful inside.P1070213 P1070214 P1070215

I walk through some of the narrow busy streets of Fort Cochin. Lots of small shops, restaurants and coffee houses. Here is a spice shop.P1070219

The ‘promenade’ is a stone path alongside the entrance waterway to the enormous natural harbour of Kochi. There are hundreds of stalls selling souvenirs, food, drinks, ice creams etc.. There are a few western tourists, but most of the people relaxing here are Indian families, couples and groups of young people. There is a happy atmosphere, so I sit for a while watching this Indian world go by. And I have a chocolate ice cream.

The ladies and girls are always smart and beautifully dressed here, in traditional long flowing saris, brightly coloured and spotlessly clean. The young girls are often traditionally dressed also, although a few wear jeans.P1070231

The men are much more varied in their dress, some have the traditional white robes, others wear giant nappies; But most wear western clothes, suits or jeans and check shirts.

Here is a crow.P1070228

Walking back to Jasmin’s, I watch a motorcyclist crash into a parked bike, fly through the air and totally disappear head-first into a ditch. Lots of people appear from nowhere to help him, but he climbs out on his own and is unhurt. Apples are rolling about everywhere, the crowd including me are trying to catch them, he must have been carrying a basket-full; I am smiling and trying not to laugh, it’s like a Brian Rix farce.

Wonderful meal with Jasmin, I chat with a French couple who are touring the South of India.

Good-night all, John

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